The Training Materials
In this page you can find some training materials created during the implementation of the ToTCOOP+i Tech project.
If you click here, you will be readdressed to the ToTCOOP+i Tech project Youtube Channel where you can find 10 training videos, based on the training modules that you can watch here. All the videos are available with Polish, Spanish and Latvian undertext.
At the end of each training session, you can assess the level achieved by the participants, using the Gamification tools for training assessment
We have also developed an app, downloadable on your mobile phone, with a summary of the training contents and some exercises useful to assess the competencies achieved by the training participants.
The Infographic Handbook (downloadable in PDF or displayable as a Prezi presentation) will guide you to choose the perfect digital tool for your aims.
In the Handbook of Best Practices in Learning Innovation you can find some suggestions concerning an innovative way to teach and some Best practices gathered in different European Countries.
All the outcomes will be presented during the final conference on the 30th of March 2021.