The Project

The Issue
After the implementation of the ToTCOOP+i project and from the joint work of trainers and training managers of the entities involved, there is a clear need to take a step further and propose the transformation of the intellectual products developed in the ToTCOOP+i project into a technological and innovative format, according to the demands of the new digital era.
This format, accessible to a large audience, attractive, captivating and motivating, is interesting for trainers, who will have new digital tools that will support them in their work, in an interactive and motivating way; and for trainees, the final beneficiaries of the training activities, who, being able to enjoy an interactive learning based on the use of technological tools, will benefit, both from a greater ease of comprehension and work on complex contents and tasks, and by the other hand from motivation and participation, because learning process, being interactive, will be easier, more comprehensible, more accessible and more enjoyable.
Project Aims

Transform the current offer of Continuing Vocational Training in the cooperative sector at European level into an excellence training, based on the use of technology and in the new paradigms of the digital era.

Strengthen the capacities of Business Administration of the Members of the Board of Directors of the agri-food cooperatives, through their involvement and direct interaction as main actors in the training process.
Specific objective
Strengthen and adapt to the digital era the pedagogical, methodological and procedural capacities of the trainers of Associations of agri-food cooperative and organisations that offer training and consulting services to the agri-food cooperatives.
Project Outcomes
- 1 Infographic Handbook
- 1 Handbook of Best Practices in Learning Innovation
- 10 Video materials (1 video for Didactic Unit)
- 1 serious game, with 50 boxes of knowledge activities (5 for Didactic Unit) (digital version)
- 1 App for smartphone
- 10 Gamification tools for training assessment (1 for Didactic Unit)
- 1 open online digital platform adapted for using the technological training tools
- 1 Transnational training session in Santiago (ES)
- 1 Assessment of training results Report

Project Impact
The foreseen Impacts of the ToTCOOP+i Tech are to:
- Provide the agri-food co-operative sector with new and innovative training contents and tools for fostering knowledge in farm management.
- Improve and update pedagogical, methodological and procedural skills and technical knowledge of participating organization’s trainers, especially of organizations offering Vocational Educational Training (VET) contents to co-operatives.
- Update the technological and pedagogical knowledge of trainers in participating organizations about the offer of new innovative training tools and resources available.
- Increase the quality and accessibility of the VET offer in the agri-food co-operative sector.

© ToTCOOP+i Tech 2019 | Co-funded by Erasmus+ Programme, European Union